Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Meeting my Super-Hero Blogger—Pioneer Woman–in Person! December 13, 2009

Yesterday, I had the time of my life when I traveled to NYC and had a chance to meet my all-time favorite blogger, Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman, in person! 

She’s even nicer, more down-to-earth, sweeter—and even taller—than I expected!

My daughter, Abbie, aka The Farmer’s Daughter, and I went by train, and then taxi to Chelsea Market to meet up with Ree.  Anyone who knows Ree, knows how much she LOVES babies, and she was all over the fact that Abbie’s pregnant and was quite chatty.  She wanted to know when the baby is due, if it’s a first, etc., etc.  (March and yes!)

Abbie wore a top that left no doubt as to whether she was indeed expecting, or not.  Here’s a closeup:

P-dub was all over that!

She was quite gracious, too.  When someone asked for her expertise with a camera . . .

. . . of course, she obliged . . .

When we first arrived at Chelsea Market, we found it to be a magical place.  It’s a huge building, which was orginally a Nabisco Factory, but which is now filled with shops, stores, eateries, and tons of Christmas Decorations.  We saw. . .

Upside-down Christmas trees. . .

and lots of decorations from recycled products . . .

A CD-tree, for instance . . .

. . . and fabulous creations from old plastic cups . . .

As we joined the queue to meet Ree, we had no idea how long the wait would be, as the first people in line had arrived at 8 am for the 11:00 book signing!

We chatted it up with those around us.  There was a couple behind us who traveled from Massachusetts, a little bit further than us, coming in from Connecticut.  The woman, a food blogger known as This Week’s Menu, gave me a great idea, which you’ll see at the end of the post.

With all the visiting and comparing notes about blogs and other interests, the line moved quickly, but it continued to grow and grow and grow . . . behind us!

When it was our turn to meet Ree, I felt I had to ‘fess up to something . . . remember when my hubbie and son were in Oklahoma and they wanted to surprise me with Ree’s just-released cookbook?  Well, they arrived home with a bright, shiny, colorful Pioneer Woman Cooks book, all full of wonderful “cowboy food,” as Ree calls it, but with a suspicious signature . . .

Ree laughed and quickly added her own, authentic signature!

Like I said, Ree is incredibly gracious!

Thanks for an fabulously fun day, Ree!

So . . . in the spirit of this giving season, I’m giving away an AUTOGRAPHED copy of Ree’s famous cookbook, which is currently on the New York Times Bestseller List, as a gift to one of my readers.  (Andrea~thanks so much for the idea!)

This book is oh-so-much-more than a cookbook!  It is a storybook of Ree’s family and adventures on her Oklahoma ranch, bursting with wonderful pictures and stories of her family, both the human kind and the animal kind!  You will surely adore it! 

It also has wonderful recipes, too.  Our daughter, Abbie, recently made us Ree’s Sticky Buns and they are to die for!

So . . . if you’re interested in entering a random drawing for this fabulous book, just leave a comment telling why you’d like it, why you like Ree, or both!






33 Responses to “Meeting my Super-Hero Blogger—Pioneer Woman–in Person!”

  1. Kristin Says:

    I would love the book because I am not only a fan of Pioneer Woman, I am also a fan yours and your daughters blogs.

  2. Yeah, it was!

    Thanks so much for going with me and all the “free press” over at your blog!

    Loved meeting new “bloggy friends” there, too!

    Ree was even BETTER in person, it that’s possible!

  3. Pamelotta Says:

    I have 1, signed, coveted copy but would love to give a signed copy to a friend that couldn’t make it to the signing I went to.

    Love her down to earth presence. She feels like an old friend. Well, not old, just long time!

  4. Exactly, Pamelotta, I know just what you mean!

    You’re in!!!

  5. Blair Says:

    Pioneer Woman is the best and now I have found another blog to follow….

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Kayla Says:

    This seems like it was an amazing experience! I love all these pictures 🙂

  7. Mawcee Says:


    I have been following Ree for a lontime, and much to my sadness and heatbreak, I had to miss her booksigning in Atlanta. I had 2 sudden ailments at the same time. A kidney stone and a seperated shoulder. To say I was sad, is an understatement.

    So I would be so pleased to be considered for a PW Book give-away.

    I saw this offer on her Facebook site and I thank you for your generous spirit !

    Mawcee from Georgia

  8. Mawcee,

    Oh, I hope you’re recovering well! All the best!

    Thanks for commenting and letting me know you saw it on Facebook. You’re in!!!

  9. KarenTX Says:

    I would love to win one for my Mom, she’s a great cook and I think she’d enjoy it immensely. We went to the Houston signing and had a ball! I only had 2 books for her to sign, one for me and one for my daughter, so one for my Mom would be spectacular!

  10. Linda Parnell Says:

    I have been following her blog since nearly the beginning. She is awesome! Love her photos and stories. Her recipes rock! Of course, I am also fascinated by her since she lives so close. Love how she is soaring in the blogosphere!

  11. Jessica Says:

    As a fellow Okie, I can’t believe that I just recently discovered Ree (I know, I know….what rock have I been living under?!?) but have already tried several of her recipies (the chicken parm is AMAZING and so is she)!!! I’d love to have her cookbook (so I don’t have to run back and forth to the computer while trying to cook, HA)!! It’s so awesome that you had such a great girls day out, how fun!!!! What a great giveaway, thanks for the chance!!!

  12. Jenn Abney Says:

    I have been following you bloggers, following PW on the book tours…lucky you! And I love that you post about it!

    I live in Seattle and she DIDN’T COME HERE! Wah, wah!!

    I so love her site – the pics and daily “confessions” and those recipes….OMG so wonderfully, comforting!!

  13. Sonja Says:

    I would love to be entered in your drawing, thank you for the opportunity! I found Ree originally through her photography tutorials and thought that it was so wonderful that she’s not a stuffy photography, and is happy to share all her tips. Truly a generous spirit!

  14. I follow your daughter’s blog and head over here from time to time as well. You’re very gracious to be giving one of Ree’s books away! I’d love to get one to share with my Mom 🙂

  15. AmazingGraze Says:

    I love to read her blog and her page. I wish she would come somewhere near us. Please enter my name, I would love to have an autographed copy!!!!

  16. Amber Says:

    Oh, pick me, pick me! 🙂

  17. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by david oneal, Teresa Bianco. Teresa Bianco said: Check this new book Meeting my Super-Hero Blogger—Pioneer Woman–in Person! « Musings … […]

  18. I would love to win this cookbook, as it just isn’t in my budget right now & I don’t think anyone is getting it for me for Christmas. I love reading Ree’s stuff as she truly is that real. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  19. Ann Says:

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog entry about the book signing. I’ve been following Ree for several years & am glad to find some new blogs to follow! I may even make it to your place in the spring–only an hr. or so away! I made marlboro Man’s sandwiches last night!

  20. Great to see you, Ann! Thanks for stopping by!

    Here’s a laugh for you . . . I read your comment quickly and at first I thought you wrote, “I made Marlboro Man sandwiches last night!” and I thought, boy, you’re really in good with Ree and family! Ha ha!

    Consider yourself in the contest for the signed cookbook give-away!

  21. Judy Says:

    Hey there — Don’t know what in the world I would ever do with a cookbook — door stop maybe??? So don’t put me in the drawing but I just had to say how much I enjoy your blog! Enjoy!

  22. Add me in please Ruth! It sounds like you girls had a great day! It would be fun to talk with other bloggers I think, so many people don’t “get” it.

  23. hellomarylou Says:

    Hi! and thanks for the comment! No, MM wasn’t at our signing, except maybe in some people’s dreams! 🙂 Yes PW is so great….I loved how comfortable and at ease she made everybody feel! Your giveaway is great idea!

  24. Norma Says:

    I would love the cookbook… Ree is great and her recipes are awesome!

  25. Abutton Says:

    I like Ree’s cooking style and recipes. 🙂

  26. maya Says:

    I’d love this cookbook because food is a huge passion for me — all types, all kinds! This one looks especially interesting 🙂 I’m also a regular reader of your daughter’s blog, which is how I found out about the giveaway.

  27. Carolyn Moss Says:

    I purchased the cookbook for my daughter for Xmas and was contemplating keeping it for myself. Your drawing will allow me to go forward with the original plan to gift it to my daughter with the hope that I win your contest and have a copy for me!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  28. Sara Says:

    well it’s very simple… I’d LOVE a copy because no one in my family would buy me one for Christmas and I’m to cheap to buy one for myself…

    BTW I just found your blog, LOVE IT!!!!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!

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