Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Sea Glass Jewelry: Re-purposed Materials July 11, 2009

Filed under: Fashion,Living Green — everydaywomanusa @ 10:37 am
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I’ve been working a bit lately with creating jewelry from re-purposed materials, namely sea glass, combined with crystals and beads,  from “used” pieces of jewelry.  What fun!  I’ve also enjoyed wearing some of the finished projects.

Here, I used some green sea glass and the coveted blue sea glass (much rarer around here) to put together a necklace and earring set, which I sported recently at a wedding we attended. I wrapped the sea glass with sterling silver wire and used some crystals and beads I had on hand.  It’s amazing what you can do with some good, little pliers! The colors were perfect with the blue/green sea shades of my dress.  I’ll apologize in advance for that bit of cleavage showing; my own kids say that no one really wants to see that!


Now that summer’s here, I hope to carve out a bit more time for jewelry making, as well as another favorite creative pursuit: writing.  What hobbies do you enjoy?  If you could do anything other than “work,” for pleasure, what would it be?


Give-Away for your favorite GUY—or you!!! April 17, 2009

Seems I’m usually giving away something for the women out there, so here’s one for your favorite guy—or perhaps YOU to wear as a nightshirt, beach cover-up, etc.


Just couldn’t resist  this super-smart, 100% organic cotton “T” (design inspired by Keith Urban) with an awesome message—“LOVE HER—all people, one planet”

If you’re interested, just leave a comment below.  I’ll be raffling it off at the end of April, along with my other April give-away.  GOOD LUCK!

Oh, and just so you know, it’s XXL—I’m used to living with BIG guys!  And do you notice how green the grass is getting?—Spring has officially sprung!



Filed under: Fashion,Give-Away!,Living Green,One Green Thing — everydaywomanusa @ 11:35 pm
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In honor of Spring, and One Green Thing,  Everyday Woman is giving away this great, green, organic cotton T-shirt (size–large).  It reads: “Love the Earth.”


If you’re interested in making this your own, just leave me a comment!

Happy April 1st!  Random drawing will take place April 30th.  Good luck!


RED RIDES! March 22, 2009

Filed under: Farm,Fashion,Transportation — everydaywomanusa @ 11:09 am
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Okay, I’ll admit that I just LOVE “Red Rides,” both large and small–old and new!!!




. . . and I’m keeping my head covered.  (More on that later–perhaps!)


“Michelle Obama Arms” March 2, 2009

Filed under: Fashion,In the News — everydaywomanusa @ 9:22 am
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I guess I wasn’t the only one who noticed our first lady’s now trademark bare arms at last week’s presidential address.  I remarked to my husband that she was dressed a bit informally with “no sleeves,” while others had jackets and ties on.  Also, it’s winter!

Now, it’s a cause for debate.  While checking the weather this morning, I heard Michelle’s bare arms being discussed on ABC news and it’s all over the Internet.  I say, if you have it, flaunt it!  At least, it’s not cleavage!  I’m just wondering if  someday “Michelle Obama arms” will have a place in history just like “Bette Davis eyes?”

What’s your take on the “right to bare arms?”


Cleavage–NOT OK for Work! February 20, 2009

Filed under: Fashion,Humor,Reflections — everydaywomanusa @ 10:54 pm
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Work Spouse

OK, am I the only one out there who finds this offensive–I mean, in my face, at work? 

I may be old enough to have grown children, but I’m definitely NOT a prude!

But, would you agree, unless you work somewhere that involves a pole for dancing, that this amount of cleavage is NOT appropriate for your line of work?

I work in a school system and I see a fair amount of skimpy, midriff-baring, cleavage-peaking blouses just about daily.  .  . and it’s not just the young, perky teachers and staff!  Sometimes, it’s my contemporaries, and as my own children tell me when they’re hanging aroud our pool in the summertime, “Really, Mom, nobody wants to see that. . . put them away!”

What gets me in schools is, who exactly are these women dressing this way for?  Colleagues don’t want to see this—and parents definitely DON’T want to see this, either!  And, please, let’s protect the innocent children.

If anything, I find myself inspecting my necklines and questioning if I should add a T-shirt under tops and dresses, just so I don’t insult or embarrass anyone.  On the other hand, if I’m going out for an evening and I’m not likely to run into any of my students–or their parents–that’s another story!

On another, related note . . .

Here’s a funny greeting card that I just couldn’t resist buying the other day.  I’ll probably give it to my good friend, Pat, on her next birthday:

Two fifty- or sixty-something-year-old women friends at the beach in bathingsuits (not that we’re THAT old!):

Friend A (I’ll call her Patty): “The bad news about getting older is that we get flabby thighs.”

Friend B (Could be me!):  “The good news is that our boobs cover them!”

Inside message:  “Hope you’ve got a happy birthday covered!”

OK, there’s your laugh for the day . . . but if there’s something that you just have to get off your chest about all the cleavage out there, let ‘er rip . . . and leave a  comment!