Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Strolling into Spring!/Sunday Stroll March 7, 2010 March 7, 2010

I must admit I’ve been a bit AWOL from blogging AGAIN due to schoolwork, coursework for my Doctorate, preparations and excitement over the impending arrival of our new grandbaby, and life in general!  I’m also finding Facebook to be much quicker and am making almost daily updates there.

Therefore, with that apology made, I’m forging ahead to make-up this lapse, by posting a combo “”30 Days of Winter Beauty Photos”/”Sunday Stroll.”


With the incredible spring-like weather we experienced yesterday, with abundance sun and temps in the 50’s, I just couldn’t resist!

My very-pregnant daughter, Abbie (due any day!) and I strolled to a nearby garden center where they were celebrating an early arrival of spring.

The hyacinths and tulips were magnificent!

While we were there, we picked up a few early birthday presents for Abbie, to help welcome in the colors of spring . . .

Some pretty pansies

Some assorted herbs for the windowsill, until they can be planted outside

Pussywillows: a sure sign of spring!

Here’s Abbie with a bit of her “loot.”  She refused to sit down several times throughout our jaunt, but I told her she had to sit for just a bit while I adjusted our goodies in sacks to carry home!

We finished the day with an early birthday celebration (with both families) for Abbie, just in case the little one decides to make his appearance on her actual birthday in a few days!

We enjoyed key lime pie, one of Abbie’s very favorites, whici is a specialty of Ed’s Mom.

Happy Early Birthday, Abbie . . . may all your wishes come true!

What are your wishes from spring?  Are you experiencing any early signs of spring yet in your part of the world?

If you’d like to continue “Sunday Strolling,” just click on over the the “Quiet Country House,” and enjoy your day!


Day 5: “30 Days of Beauty” Photography Challenge February 21, 2010

Here’s my photo for Day 5 for the “30 Days of Winter Beauty” Photography Challenge.

Our pregnant daughter, Abbie, aka Farmer’s Daughter:

In my eyes, it doesn’t get any more beautiful than this!  Thanks, Ab (and Ed!) for doing your part in making our lives a lot more meaningful!  We love you both—and baby, already!

Due date:  March 9th!  Woohoo!


Day 4: “30 Days of Beauty” Photography Challenge February 19, 2010

Filed under: 30 Days of Beauty Photography Challenge,snow,Winter — everydaywomanusa @ 11:39 am
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Here’s another pretty snow pic, from the inside looking out, as we tick off the days until spring, in the “30 Days of Winter Beauty” Photography Challenge.

What’s winter looking like from YOUR window?


Day 3: “30 Days of Beauty” Photography Challenge February 18, 2010

Here’s another pretty snow pic, as we tick off the days until spring, in the “30 Days of Winter Beauty” Photography Challenge.

Nature’s tree ornament.

Enjoy this wintry day!!!


“30 Days of Beauty” Photography Challenge: DAY 2 February 17, 2010

Good Morning!

Here’s my second offering (on the second day no less!) in my quest to find beauty in the winter, specifically in the snow . . .

Isn’t he cute?  Duke just loves to “weasel,” as we call it, in freshly fallen snow.

Oh, by the way, if you’d like to follow Duke’s adventures, you can converse with him on Facebook at Duke Farmdawg!

For more “30 Days of Beauty” Photography Challenge, click on over to Bluebirdbaby.