Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Sunday Stroll May 31: At the Beach! May 31, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Living Green,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:02 am
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I had the pleasure of strolling the beach on Saturday to help my daughter plan for an upcoming field trip for her Environmental Science and Botany classes.  We scouted the floral and fauna along the shoreline, and as  always, I learned so much for her!

The Beach Roses (Rosa rugosa) were magnificent!



Beach Rose was introduced to North America from Eurasia in 1872.  It has since escaped from gardens to the wild and has colonized beach habitat throughout New England.  The large fruits of this plant, called Rose Hips, mature late in the season and resemble cherry tomatoes.   They’re edible and high in vitamins A and C.  My late father used to swear by the benefits of Rose Hips!



Beach Plum (Prunus maritima) was also in bloom (above).  Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), below,  another invasive species, which resembles honeysuckle, added to the flora along the walkway.


Asiatic Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens), an invasive plant we see almost everywhere, is choking off an Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), below.


Poison Ivy (Rhus radicans) was introduced by park personnel in the late 1960s as a deterrent to keep people from walking through the dunes, which causes extensive erosion.



Abbie identifies plant life as we walk along the trail by the beach.  I was delighted to breathe in the salt air, soak in the sunshine, and enjoy the view!


To see who else is strolling this weekend, skip on over to the Quiet Country Home.


And the winners are . . . May 17, 2009

Filed under: Give-Away!,Living Green — everydaywomanusa @ 6:55 am
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Drum roll, please . . .

Actually,  I’m a bit late in posting these, and for that I apologize, but somehome “everyday” life got into the way of “everydaywoman’s” plans!

All the same, I’m delighted to announce the winners of Everydaywoman’s recent Spring Green Give-aways:

Imelda of Greenish Lady is the winner of  “Love the Earth” green, organic T-shirt!


Jena of  Married to the Farm is the winner of  “Love Her” XXL, Keith Urban organic  T-shirt.  (Hopefully, it will be just the right fit for her darling husband!)


Congrats to you both!  If the winners would please e-mail a suitable mailing address to, these delightful T’s will be in the mail shortly!!!


Bursting with Pride! March 28, 2009

It’s not a secret that Abbie over at Farmer’s Daughter is my daughter in real life!  That being said, can I brag just a little?


Abbie was recently recognized as a “Woman Taking the Lead to Save our Planet” by the League of Women Voters.   She was honored at a  reception where she was lauded for all her efforts in Environmental Education as well as how she lives her everyday life as a role model for her students, family, and community.  Read all about by clicking here.


I couldn’t help but notice that,  of the small group of six women honored, Abbie was by far the youngest.  Other recipients were about twice her age, so I can’t help but think this is just the beginning of great things for Abbie!  So proud of you, honey!


One Green Thing # 3, 4 & 5! March 7, 2009

OK, I’ve been shirking my responsibility again . . . instead of posting, I’ve been working!  So, let me catch up with my plan to post “One Green Thing” each day.

“One Green Thing #3”

Use cloth napkins instead of paper! 

Abbie over at the Farmer’s Daughter got me doing this and, besides saving on trees and keeping waste out of our landfills, it also feels quite elegant!  I now pack a cloth napkin for my lunch at school and it feels just a little bit “ritsy!”

“One Green Thing #4”

Ban store-bought bottled water and bottle your own! 

Click here for more on that!  Take the “Think Outside the Bottle Pledge!”

“One Green Thing # 5”

Plan one waste-free day!

It may take some planning, but plan one day where you accumulate NO waste at all.  I’m working on that; will post more later!


“Carbon Fast” March 1, 2009

Filed under: Living Green,Reflections — everydaywomanusa @ 6:38 pm
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I just love what Lisa over at Retro Housewife Goes Green is doing!  She’s on a “carbon fast” for Lent!

I was raised in a Catholic family where we all fasted, giving up something we liked as a sacrifice for the 40 days before Easter.  As a kid, it always seemed strange to me to give up something you liked instead of perhaps doing something that you knew was good, instead.

Also, considering all the bad press that has come out of the Catholic church in the past decade regarding  immoral behavior of numerous priests, which in many cases seemed to have been covered up–and the fact that I have two brothers were served as altar boys–I haven’t been actively participating in Lenten fastings.  (I won’t go off on a religious tangent here; perhaps another time.)

But . . . when I saw Lisa’s idea to do something GREEN each day for 40 days, I thought what a positive thing this could be . . . to participate in a “carbon fast!”  So, I’m in . . .

In order to keep myself accountable, I’m going to try to post my GREEN ideas each day.  I’ve decided they can be something small, anything new, that I can be doing, each for at least a day.  Things that work well I’ll work into my everday life style.

So here goes. . .

Carbon Fast Green Tip #1: Walk instead of drive!

I just did this and it was easy!  My sister-in-law just called to say she wanted to stop by to see our new horse, Annabelle, and instead of jumping in the car to meet her at the barn, I walked crosslots through the orchard, even though it was COLD and I’d already made that trek a couple of times today.  It felt great!


Tulips in February! February 6, 2009

Filed under: Living Green — everydaywomanusa @ 10:31 pm
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I was delighed to be greeted by the sunny faces of these beautiful tulips which I’ve been “forcing” in my kitchen.   When I got home last night, I saw the blooms were just about to open, and this morning they were in full bloom.   With a windchill outside making it feel like negative numbers  for the last few days, it’s incredible to have some “sun” inside!


I’m dreaming of a GREEN Christmas . . . November 30, 2008

Filed under: Christmas,Living Green — everydaywomanusa @ 11:25 pm
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Christmas Rosemary

There are LOTS of ways to celebrate a GREEN Christmas!  I’m really going to try this year not to get pulled in by the commercialism of the season and not to BUY, BUY for buying sake, but to try to please those I care about with thoughtful gifts that are a bit easier on our planet.  How many times do you end up with a lot of useless STUFF just because you get caught up in the excitement of the moment?

How about trying . . .

  • a live tree that you can plant outside and enjoy for years to come?
  • making a few gifts–the edible kind or perhaps some warms scarves and hats?  It’s a good time to dig out those needles as I’ve noticed that knitting is quite fashionable again!
  • electronic greetings rather than paper cards, stamps, etc.?
  • stringing popcorn and cranberries for the tree and then putting them outside afterwards for the birds to nibble on?
  • “Coupon Gifts,” a favorite of kids for parents . . . like a certificate for doing dishes, laundry, a backrub, or cleaning a room without complaints?
  • A gift in someone’s name for a worthy cause . . . like preserving wildlife refuges (see Sierra Club) or a donation to a favorite charity?

What are you doing to green up your holidays?  The best ideas are those that are shared!


My Contribution to APLS October Blog Carnival October 12, 2008

I’ve learned an awful lot this past year while attempting to live in a more earth-friendly, sustainable lifestyle, and am offering my “two cents” on the theme of Environmental Education for the APLS October Blog carnival.  Click here to see what APLS (Affluent Persons Living Sustainably) is all about!


At first I thought–no way–I’m not affluent and I’m only really beginning to try to live sustainably, but then I learned differently from my green, bloggy friends.  To see where you fall on the “Global Rich List,” click here.  You may be very surprised about the definition of “affluence”, too! 

Anyway, Abbie over at the Farmer’s Daughter  (and my daughter in real life, lucky me!) is hosting this event at APLS October Blog carnival.  So, regarding the topic of “Environmental Education” . . .

Thanks to Abbie, I had the pleasure of taking part in a life-changing event, which really made me re-think the way we live.  Two summers ago, we had the pleasure of taking part in teacher professional development, which included living at a totally green school in Cape Eleuthera for a week!  I really learned by living and this experience has had a profound effect on how I now think about everything–in a much more environmentally-friendly fashion.


First, a bit of a side step to the Island School, because this was really a life-changing experience for me.  Who wouldn’t accept the opportunity to go to the Bahamas for a week on vacation with your daughter?  Granted, it was August (read very hot, humid here) and it wasn’t really a vacation, but a learning experience (read no AC, limited water supply, etc.), so this is what it really meant:

·         Spending an entire day traveling: 3 planes, including one tiny one from Rock Sound to the Cape, an hour spent in a steaming, hot Caribbean airport waiting for a taxi that would take us for a 2-hr. equally steamy ride over rough roads at a hefty fee

·         Absolutely no COLD water and NO ice for drinks.  In fact, the basic beverage of choice was warm water, which we carried everywhere with us in refillable containers, which had been collected off the roof (and purified through an electrostatic process).  Fortunately I didn’t see the multitude of frogs that inhabited the holding tank until our last day on the island.

·         An introduction to “Navy” showers, which means five minutes, tops, that the water is running, and turning if off between lathering up and rinsing

·         “If it’s yellow, let it mellow . . . “  (OK, I thought this was just my Dad, many years previously, who said this because he was just plain cheap!)  Later, I learned that I had grown up “green” in part before it was fashionable.  This was probably the toughest habit to kick, because I had developed an automatic reflex to flush over the years. . .

·         Sleeping in dormitory-style rooms (25 or so women in double-decker bunkbeds) sans air-conditioning, just a few overhead fans

·         While sleeping in this heat, also being visited by “no see-ums,” which visited nightly, squeezing their tiny bodies in between the screens.  (Fortunately for me, I must not have been as tasty, young and sweet, as some of my colleagues were, because if I spritzed with bug spray (probably a no! no!) before retiring, I didn’t wake up in the raised red welts that some of my colleagues did.)

·         Washing dishes, filling compost buckets, slopping pigs . . . and did I say washing dishes by hand?

·         Filling large water jugs and lugging them to the dorms at night

·         Waking up to the blowing conch at 6 am to participate in an hours- long exercise sessions of running, biking, and/or swimming

   OK, to be fair, here was the UPSIDE:

·         Swimming in the incredibly clear, turquoise, cleansing waters of the Caribbean

·         Bonding with fellow, like-minded teachers from all over the world who were looking for a little adventure over the summer and the opportunity to learn something new

·         Waking up to the lovely tune of the blowing conch at 6 am to participate in a morning greeting with friends and an hour long exercise session of running, biking, and/or swimming

·         Crab hunting at night with flashlights and lots of laughs

  • Eating delectable island-grown salads and spicy Caribbean rice dishes, mostly from local ingredients, with fresh fruit for dessert
  • Discovering the local marine wildlife through snorkeling and scuba expeditions
  • Visiting local schools, also supported the Island School
  • Touring Cape Eleuthera Research Institute to learn about hydroponic gardening, local fish species, and efforts to preserve the coral reefs (a joint adventure with the Island School)
  • Oh, and did I say swimming in the brilliant, turquoise, clear, wonderful Caribbean waters?


Abbie and me in the incredible Bahamian waters, the best way to get clean!

Abbie and me in the incredible Bahamian waters, the best way to get clean!






Working to preserve the coral reefs . . .

Working to preserve the coral reefs . . .





Our colleagues/friends at the Island School . . .

Our colleagues/friends at the Island School . . .







Incredibly beautiful local flora, grows best over the environmentally-designed septic system!

Incredibly beautiful local flora, grows best over the environmentally-designed septic system!



Wake-up call!

Wake-up call!



Hydroponically-grown lettuce









Converting used vegetable oil into bio-diesel to power vehicles on the island . . .

Converting used vegetable oil into bio-diesel to power vehicles on the island . . .





Fresh lobster for dinner!

Fresh lobster for dinner!



We did attend classes, too, outside mostly . . .

We did attend classes, too, outside mostly . . .







Group meetings, sharing, learning, dancing, etc. . . .

Group meetings, sharing, learning, dancing, etc. . . .








So, what did I learn at the Island School?




 That I needed to make some life-style changes!

So . . .

Here are a few very simple things I’ve done so far . . .

  • I’ve totally stopped buying bottled water and now use re-fillable aluminum bottles like SIGG or non BPA-plastic filled with my own lovely tap water.
  • I take my own bags to the grocery store and avoid piles of plastic, chinzy bags gathering in my pantry.  (I’ve worked on this a while and now I actually REMEMBER to take my bags with me.  I must admit that I’ve collected quite a cute collection of recyclable bags and that now I’ve expanded beyond the grocery store, taking them everywhere I go shopping.)
  • I actually DO recycle plastics, bottles, and aluminum cans now on a regular basis, rather than just pretending that I do (which was once in a while).
  • I actually LIKE it hot in the summer, even sticky, icky hot, because it’s an excuse to jump in the pool.  My three guys can’t stand the heat after working outside in it all day, so we just have AC in the bedrooms for sleeping.  I must admit that I shut it off during the day, keep curtains closed and doors shut, and only turn it on in time for it to be cool for their sleeping comfort.
  • OK, this might be crazy, but I heard this from a thrifty friend.  At first, I thought it was a bit out there and then I tried it: I shut the furnace off during the day (and now after showers at night, too) because why heat it up all day and night to make hot water that no one needs it?  In the winter, we use our combo wood/oil furnace, so we actually use very little oil.

Probably one of the most important things that I brought back with me was realizing that it was up to me to help spread the word about living in a much more environmentally-friendly way.  I love to share the experiences from the Island School with others–and I’ve also brought much of this information back to my students–although they’re in elementary school– because it’s NEVER too soon to start thinking GREEN!

So, to me, Environmental Education means LIVING it and SHARING it with those around me, especially my students!


Another GREAT GREEN Give-Away!!! October 7, 2008

Filed under: Give-Away!,Living Green — everydaywomanusa @ 11:15 pm
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In honor of my recent True Green post, I’m offering this great “Keep It Green” T-shirt.  It could be yours!  Just leave a comment to say you’d like to be entered in this random drawing, to be held on October 31st.  Why not wear something green on Halloween?


And the winner is . . . September 1, 2008

Filed under: Give-Away!,Living Green — everydaywomanusa @ 7:58 am
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Congratulations to Nan,  of Letters from a Hill Farm,  who won the Back-to-School Tote Give-Away in a random drawing!  Please send a mailing address to and your prize will be on its way shortly!  Congrats on being lucky this time and have fun with your new, green bag!  Also, have to say, I just LOVE your new feature on your blog, Saturday Sally!