Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Strolling into Spring!/Sunday Stroll March 7, 2010 March 7, 2010

I must admit I’ve been a bit AWOL from blogging AGAIN due to schoolwork, coursework for my Doctorate, preparations and excitement over the impending arrival of our new grandbaby, and life in general!  I’m also finding Facebook to be much quicker and am making almost daily updates there.

Therefore, with that apology made, I’m forging ahead to make-up this lapse, by posting a combo “”30 Days of Winter Beauty Photos”/”Sunday Stroll.”


With the incredible spring-like weather we experienced yesterday, with abundance sun and temps in the 50’s, I just couldn’t resist!

My very-pregnant daughter, Abbie (due any day!) and I strolled to a nearby garden center where they were celebrating an early arrival of spring.

The hyacinths and tulips were magnificent!

While we were there, we picked up a few early birthday presents for Abbie, to help welcome in the colors of spring . . .

Some pretty pansies

Some assorted herbs for the windowsill, until they can be planted outside

Pussywillows: a sure sign of spring!

Here’s Abbie with a bit of her “loot.”  She refused to sit down several times throughout our jaunt, but I told her she had to sit for just a bit while I adjusted our goodies in sacks to carry home!

We finished the day with an early birthday celebration (with both families) for Abbie, just in case the little one decides to make his appearance on her actual birthday in a few days!

We enjoyed key lime pie, one of Abbie’s very favorites, whici is a specialty of Ed’s Mom.

Happy Early Birthday, Abbie . . . may all your wishes come true!

What are your wishes from spring?  Are you experiencing any early signs of spring yet in your part of the world?

If you’d like to continue “Sunday Strolling,” just click on over the the “Quiet Country House,” and enjoy your day!


Sunday Stroll: Too Much Rain!!! June 14, 2009

Filed under: Gardening,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:49 am
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It’s been raining pretty much straight for a week now.  Although we have lush, green surroundings, I’m wondering if it’s ever going to stop!


My “Rose of Sharon” bushes have grown by leaps and bounds with all of the rain.


My New Guinea Impatiens are enjoying the shade provided by the Rose of Sharons.


My Begonias have been absolutely crushed by the torrents of rain . . .


Green tomatoes are set and I’m hoping they won’t rot due to all the wetness.


Geraniums (never my favorite due to their “fragrance”) do provide a pretty pink contrast to all the green foliage around . . .


All in all, it’s great weather for ducks, but I could use some sun soon!


To see who else is strolling this Sunday, visit the Quiet Country House.


Sunday Stroll to the River: Searching for Spring… April 5, 2009

It’s still brisk and windy around these parts, but the sun is beginning to shine through today.  Not as warm as most of us would like spring to be yet!


Our Old English Sheepdog, Eddie, and our Golden Retriever, Duke, are always willing companions on a walk through the orchards and farm down to the river.  No matter the temp, they always jump in for a quick swim . . . and a huge drink!


On the way, we spied emerald ferns pushing through the leaves on the forest floor.


Springtime is also pruning time in the apple orchard.  Here, dwarf Red Delicious trees are getting ready to bear fruit, after a healthy pruning.


Purple flowers–probably weeds–dot the ground under the peach trees.


A pair of mallards swim in the pond.


Duke can’t resist a swim in the pond, too, which is greening up with algae and the banks around it show more green than gray, too.


Buds on the magnolia tree are swelling, giving hope for the pearly/pink flowers to come.


Tulips crop up, here and there.


After one final dip, Eddie and Duke drag themselves out of the river and up the bank for a run home!

As we’re still searching for color outside, I just couldn’t resist sharing these vibrant colors from a friend’s greenhouse earlier this week . . .


Piercing pink and purple hydrangeas, my all-time favorite . . . and. . .

darling, little petunias, planted in egg shells.  How cute is that?


To see who else is strolling for signs of spring, please visit the Quiet Country House.


A Breath of Spring! February 18, 2009

Filed under: Living Green,Reflections,Spring — everydaywomanusa @ 11:32 am
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A typical February vacation day (from school) yesterday included:

  • an early (8:30 am)  morning dentist appointment (ugh!)
  • a trip to DMV (ugh–wrong day to go right after a holiday!)
  • visit to the Town Hall re: Motor Vehicle Taxes (a credit b/c we had been double-billed!)
  • working on preparing Income Taxes (fun!)
  • assorted paperwork for school, coursework, etc. (always fun!)

The high points of the day definitely included:

  • lunch out with my daughter
  • a visit to her high school, where she teaches Biology, Environmental Science, Botany, etc., to water the plants in the greenhouse (so they don’t die over school vacation)
  •  a stop at my husband’s  current construction site to see the latest progress on an incredible project, (where he’s building million-plus-dollar homes for some very lucky people!)
  • a stroll through our local nursery/garden center to chat with the owner/friend/neighbor and to enjoy a BREATH OF SPRING!!!

Here, I offer some beautiful shots from inside the greenhouse to ensure us all that spring IS on the way, although a mix of snow/rain/sleet is predicted here for later today . . .









I couldn’t resist bringing  home some pansies and organic parsley to brighten up the inside, until it’s warm enough to plant outside.



What are you doing as you await the arrival of SPRING in your parts?