Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Over the top! October 24, 2009

Filed under: Inspirations,Reflections — everydaywomanusa @ 8:46 pm
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Thanks to Abbie at Farmer’s Daughter for awarding me with the “Over the Top” Blog Award!

I’m passing it along to 6 other bloggers who  are “Over the Top,” too! 

Here are the rules . . .


1.) Thank and post URL to the blog that gave the award.

Thanks to Farmer’s Daughter for nominating Everydaywoman!

2.) Pass the award along to 6 brilliantly over the top blogs (blogs you love!)  Alert them so they know to receive the award.

I’m nominating these 6 blogs:

The Pioneer Woman—Ree is my absolute idol in the blogging world!

The Quiet Country House—Aisling hosts the most awesome “Sunday Stroll” each Sunday!

Uncarved Block–Cloudhands is inspiring (and in her 7th decade!)

An Island Life—Kailini hosts the incredible “Aloha Friday!” feature

GreenMamma—Jessica is so inspiring, heartfelt, honest, open!

Retro Housewife Goes Green—Lisa is a true-green environmentalist blogger!

 3.) Copy and paste this quiz… Change the answers, ONE word only!! 

 1-Your cell phone?  Pocketbook  

2- Your hair?  Reese Witherspoon-ish (I wish)  oops! too many words!
3-Your mother?  Inspirational!
4-Your father?  Deceased  
5-Your favorite food?   Cheese
6-Your favorite drink?   IcedTea
 7-Your dream last night?  Wierd

8-Your dream/goal?   Grandma!

9-What room are you in?   DR

10-Your hobby?   Photography 
11-Your fear?  NotEnoughTimeForMyBucketList (does that qualify as one word?)

12-Where do you want to be in 6 years?  Here!

13-Where were you last night?  Home

14-Something that you aren’t?   Negative

15-Muffin?   Carrotcake! 
16-Wish list item?  Greatroom!

17-Where did you grow up?   Farm

18-Last thing you did?  Cooked

19-What are you wearing?  skirt/sandals

20-Your TV?  putsmetosleep!

21-Your pets?  Horses/dogs!

22-Friends?  BEST!

23- Your life?  Prettydarnedgood!

24-Your mood?  Positive!

25-Missing someone?  Peter

26-Vehicle?  MustangGTconvertible!  (crazy gift from my fam!)

27-Something you aren’t wearing?   Bra (sorry, kids!)

28-Your favorite store?  Online

29-Favorite color?  Sienna

30-When was the last time you laughed?   Today

31-Last time you cried?  Today–sad song on the Country Music station!
 32-Your best friend?  Can’t limit to one!

33-One place you go to over and over?  Grocery store, ugh!

34-One person who emails you regularly?  Abbie

35-Favorite place to eat?  OUT!

Have fun playing along!!!


Tag, You’re It! February 1, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Awards,Entertainment,Friends,Humor,Inspirations,Reflections — everydaywomanusa @ 7:39 am
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OK, I’ve been tagged by the Farmer’s Daughter.

Here are the rules:

–Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
–Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
–Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their    blog.
–Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, here goes, probably way more than you want to know:

7 Facts about myself:

  1. BK (Before Kids), I had a career in publishing as a writer/editor for an international technical magazine.  I traveled to interview mostly old men in wire mills and I usually got questions like “What’s a nice, young girl like doing in a place like this?”  (I secretly hoped I’d get a really exciting writing job for Cosmo or at the very least Good Housekeeping some day!)
  2. I’ve walked with Grizzlies in Alaska . . . yes, I really can’t believe that I did that, too!
  3. I also rafted the Colorado River for 5 days, sleeping in the canyons at night in thunderstorms, with the river or a pail as our only bathroom.  (#2 and #3 were my husband’s ideas, but I’m glad I lived through them because now I can impress people who think I’m a risk-taker, even though I’m really not!)
  4. I learned how to use a computer back in the DOS days.  (“What’s that?” you youngsters are asking.)
  5. I’m probably addicted to three things: coffee, the sun, and my Blackberry.  (I know this because I get a headache if I don’t get my DD in the am and I got a Blackberry so I could check my e-mail on the run.  I am trying to change my habits re: the sun due to the negative effects of too much exposure.)
  6. I started college at age 40, when my husband challenged me to pursue the teaching career that I had always planned.  It was one of the best decisions of my life (second to marrying that dear guy!) and now after my 8th year of teaching (and two more degrees) I’m planning on starting a doctoral program.
  7. My crazy, wonderful family gave me a brand-new, candy-apple red Mustang convertible for Mothers’ Day a couple of years ago, which I enjoy driving “topless” more than I ever imagined!  The ‘Stang’s tucked in the garage for the winter next to their ’66 classic mustang.  (I think they gave me mine because they didn’t want me to drive theirs!)

 OK, that’s probably way more than you wanted to hear, but I’m tagging:

 Margaret  at Periodic Pearls

Aisling at The Quiet Country House

Cloudhands at Uncarved Block

Nan at Letters From a Hill Farm

Ernestine at My Journey to Mindfulness

Dee at Red Dirt Ramblings

Linda at Vulture Peak Muse

Thanks for playing, everyone, and I hope you have a little fun with it!
