Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Project 365 – Day 11 January 12, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — everydaywomanusa @ 8:09 am

Happy 10-month birthday, Josh!  And Happy Snow Day, too!


Project 365. Day 2. 1/2/11 January 2, 2011

Filed under: 365 Project,Uncategorized — everydaywomanusa @ 10:46 am
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Today’s the final family holiday celebration in a long line/month of such, which means I’m making my DH’s famous cheesecake (he made it once!) for the final time for a while . . . how did everyone survive your holiday celebrations?


Sunday Stroll: Down Memory Lane January 17, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family,Reflections,Sunday Stroll,Uncategorized — everydaywomanusa @ 11:14 am
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This is a different kind of  “Sunday Stroll” today, because, as many of you know, we’re eagerly awaiting and preparing for the arrival of our daughter’s first baby, due in March.   With the preparations for the baby shower for Abbie last weekend, I found myself  becoming even more reflective of our daughter’s own birth, one very special March day almost 29 years ago.

I wanted to share some of those memories with Abbie, as she becomes a mother herself.  It’s been somewhat of a tradition in our family, on each child’s birthday, to haul out his/her babybook and to relive the story of  the birth and early years for that individual child.  Actually on the morning of the shower (as I was finished cooking and wrapping presents), I found myself looking through Abbie’s babybook once again.  I knew I had to give it to her, along with a new, blank babybook I had purchased for her own new baby.

I wanted to help Abbie preserve those same kind of memories for her own child.

Through watery eyes, I remembered the tiny anklet Abbie wore in the hospital, and I remembered how I studied every feature on her, making sure they were forever inscribed in my memory.  As a nervous, new Mom, I wanted to be sure I knew her every detail and I kept her with me in the hospital room all the time, so that I could nurse her on demand.  Upon the rare occasion that the nurses took her to weigh her, or whatever, I again checked every detail, including this tiny anklet, to be sure my own precious child was returned to me. (Probably, already a little neurotic, huh?)

I thumbed through pages of memories of birthday parties, which always followed a theme showing Abbie’s love at the moment . . . and the cake reflected the same . . . “Miss Piggy” of Sesame Street for her second birthday, a “Barbie” doll cake for her third birthday.  (Actually, I can remember making THREE Barbie doll cakes that year: one for the family party, one for her playgroup, and I’m not quite sure what the last one was for!)

Writing has always been very important to me and I’m sure I spent hours, recording every detail.  In her babybook, I included the usual: clippings from the first hair cut and an ultrasound picture, as well as notes from the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

As guests at the shower passed Abbie’s babybook around to share in these memories, several remarked about the detail, saying they couldn’t believe how much I had written. I must admit that our third child’s babybook may lack some of the intense written detail (sorry, Nathaniel!), but the dear memories remain.

I can remember the hours I spent, just holding each baby in the early weeks and months after birth, marveling at every, perfect little detail:  the tiny fingers and toes, the wispy hair, the delicate rolls near the wrists, and the perfect, new baby scent!  I took the time to just breathe in all of this newness, having no idea of how our lives would be irrevocably and wonderfully changed!  I wish the same for our dear daughter, Abbie, as she begins the wonderful journey of motherhood—the gift of time with your new baby.

I hope that she finds her new baby book a helpful and wonderful way to record these precious memories.  If you know her, you know that she loves to write as well, as is evident in both of her blogs, Farmer’s Daughter and Our Country Baby.  She is a quite talented writer and I learn something new from her every day.

This morning, I started recording in my own new babybook, called “Grandmother and Me.”  I hope to start making new memories with our new grandson soon and I look forward to recording some of these in this special book, which is one that grandmothers and grandchildren can write together!

Thanks for stopping by today.  If you have any advice you’d like to offer an aspiring “grandmother-to-be,” I’m all ears!

And, if you’d like to continue strolling on this Sunday, please click on over to the Quiet Country House.


I’ve Got Friends with Tractors! September 27, 2009


What a HOOT we had last night at a dear friend’s annual Pig Roast/Tractor Parade/Hay Ride!  The invitation said to bring a favorite appetizer, dessert, and/or tractor.  So, we arrived in style . . . in our big green tractor!


You see, our friends collects Farmalls, which for anyone who knows tractors are RED, so we figured we needed a little GREEN in the picture.

Our son, Jonathan, brought the old antique Ford, which brought a lot of attention.


Nathaniel arrived in his mile-high pick-up, which he had just “lifted” . . .

 apple bread 003

. . . after he washed it, that is . . .


Our nephew, Stephen, arrived in our new/used Ford orchard tractor, which has a compact shape and size, for going in between trees in the orchard.


Our friend, Bill, has quite a collection of the “red” ones . . .


. . .probably about 20 in all. 

My favorite is this two-seater model . . .


Two seater tractor

People who don’t usually get to drive tractors took them for a spin around the pond, with embankments on each side, which could be a little scary, especially with drinks in hand.  But the worse that happened was . . .

  • one tractor ran out of gas, deep in the dark, while pulling a hayride full of people and then had to call for assistance
  • another caught fire because there was a bird’s nest in the engine (luckily Jonathan was on this one, so he knew what to do!)

There was a huge spread of food, lots of good cheer and comraderie, and a magnificent bonfire to warm up around.






As I was driving one of Farmalls,  following a parade of red tractors around the winding path by the pond out back of our friend’s garden center, one song kept playing over in my mind:  Rodney Atkin’s hit, “Friends with Tractors.”  Take a listen:

It's America

Friends with tractors are such great friends to have!!!



Aloha Friday #12 July 17, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — everydaywomanusa @ 7:48 am

Friday is here again, so that means it’s time for . . .

My “Aloha Friday” question this week is: 




I’d have to say that the best thing that has happened to us recently is the birth of our new baby Shire filly, ISABELLE. 

 "Mommy, will they be nice to me?"

To read more about her, click here.

P.S. Thanks to everyone for your great ideas in helping to name baby ISABELLE!


If you’d like to participate in more Aloha Friday questions, click on over to  An Island Life for Kailani’s  “Aloha Friday.” 






Back to school! August 30, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — everydaywomanusa @ 11:48 am

Really, I haven’t dropped off the face of the cyberspace-world . . . I’m just back to school!  This has been an incredible busy, wonderful week of preparing for our students;  giving workshops to teachers; and greeting our new students, some who come with smiles and some filled with trepidation!  All in all, it’s been totally consuming, intense, and wonderful–the usual start to a new school year!!!

I’ve also been involved with my professional blog vs. my personal blog and will link that to this, soon!

Just a reminder that the random drawing to the cool, green, environmental tote is tomorrow, so if you haven’t yet entered, please do!