Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Strolling with Baby Joshua (May 1, 2010) May 2, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family,Farm,Spring,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 9:35 am
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I spent the most incredible spring day yesterday, strolling with Baby Joshua (and his Mom), along the beach, through a nearby garden center/nursery, and on our farm.  We even enjoyed an outside lunch at a favorite seafood stop (which Joshua slept his way through).  Somehow, the marvelous re-birth of spring flowers and outside activities seemed that much more special, sharing them with this precious seven-week-old miracle.

It’s actually May Day, but by the number of sunbathers on the beach, you would have thought it was the middle of summer!

It was a perfectly brilliant day and Joshua slept through his entire visit to the beach.  He loves to be held close where he feels most comfortable, either in his Mom’s “babywearing” pack or in Grandmom’s arms (of course I had to have my time with him, too!)

I told Joshua that he’d have  to wait just a little bit more  before he was big enough to ride the antique carousel . . .

(He didn’t seem to mind.)

Then, we visited our favorite garden center and checked out all the spring flowers.  Joshua pretty much slept his way through the Mandevilles, too . . .

Then, we walked through the orchard on our way home and enjoyed some late peach blossoms . . .

. . . and apple blossoms . . .

Mommy even gave Joshua a chance to feel the new, spring grass under his feet . . .

Then, he had a chance to play with Uncle Nate . . .

. . . and visited with Grandpa, too . . .

“Can I borrow your hat, Grandpa?”

It sure was a busy day for little Joshua . . . and a lovely day for all of us!

“Is it bedtime yet, Mommy?”

To continue strolling, please click on over to the Quiet Country House.


Strolling into Spring!/Sunday Stroll March 7, 2010 March 7, 2010

I must admit I’ve been a bit AWOL from blogging AGAIN due to schoolwork, coursework for my Doctorate, preparations and excitement over the impending arrival of our new grandbaby, and life in general!  I’m also finding Facebook to be much quicker and am making almost daily updates there.

Therefore, with that apology made, I’m forging ahead to make-up this lapse, by posting a combo “”30 Days of Winter Beauty Photos”/”Sunday Stroll.”


With the incredible spring-like weather we experienced yesterday, with abundance sun and temps in the 50’s, I just couldn’t resist!

My very-pregnant daughter, Abbie (due any day!) and I strolled to a nearby garden center where they were celebrating an early arrival of spring.

The hyacinths and tulips were magnificent!

While we were there, we picked up a few early birthday presents for Abbie, to help welcome in the colors of spring . . .

Some pretty pansies

Some assorted herbs for the windowsill, until they can be planted outside

Pussywillows: a sure sign of spring!

Here’s Abbie with a bit of her “loot.”  She refused to sit down several times throughout our jaunt, but I told her she had to sit for just a bit while I adjusted our goodies in sacks to carry home!

We finished the day with an early birthday celebration (with both families) for Abbie, just in case the little one decides to make his appearance on her actual birthday in a few days!

We enjoyed key lime pie, one of Abbie’s very favorites, whici is a specialty of Ed’s Mom.

Happy Early Birthday, Abbie . . . may all your wishes come true!

What are your wishes from spring?  Are you experiencing any early signs of spring yet in your part of the world?

If you’d like to continue “Sunday Strolling,” just click on over the the “Quiet Country House,” and enjoy your day!


Sunday Stroll: Down Memory Lane January 17, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family,Reflections,Sunday Stroll,Uncategorized — everydaywomanusa @ 11:14 am
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This is a different kind of  “Sunday Stroll” today, because, as many of you know, we’re eagerly awaiting and preparing for the arrival of our daughter’s first baby, due in March.   With the preparations for the baby shower for Abbie last weekend, I found myself  becoming even more reflective of our daughter’s own birth, one very special March day almost 29 years ago.

I wanted to share some of those memories with Abbie, as she becomes a mother herself.  It’s been somewhat of a tradition in our family, on each child’s birthday, to haul out his/her babybook and to relive the story of  the birth and early years for that individual child.  Actually on the morning of the shower (as I was finished cooking and wrapping presents), I found myself looking through Abbie’s babybook once again.  I knew I had to give it to her, along with a new, blank babybook I had purchased for her own new baby.

I wanted to help Abbie preserve those same kind of memories for her own child.

Through watery eyes, I remembered the tiny anklet Abbie wore in the hospital, and I remembered how I studied every feature on her, making sure they were forever inscribed in my memory.  As a nervous, new Mom, I wanted to be sure I knew her every detail and I kept her with me in the hospital room all the time, so that I could nurse her on demand.  Upon the rare occasion that the nurses took her to weigh her, or whatever, I again checked every detail, including this tiny anklet, to be sure my own precious child was returned to me. (Probably, already a little neurotic, huh?)

I thumbed through pages of memories of birthday parties, which always followed a theme showing Abbie’s love at the moment . . . and the cake reflected the same . . . “Miss Piggy” of Sesame Street for her second birthday, a “Barbie” doll cake for her third birthday.  (Actually, I can remember making THREE Barbie doll cakes that year: one for the family party, one for her playgroup, and I’m not quite sure what the last one was for!)

Writing has always been very important to me and I’m sure I spent hours, recording every detail.  In her babybook, I included the usual: clippings from the first hair cut and an ultrasound picture, as well as notes from the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

As guests at the shower passed Abbie’s babybook around to share in these memories, several remarked about the detail, saying they couldn’t believe how much I had written. I must admit that our third child’s babybook may lack some of the intense written detail (sorry, Nathaniel!), but the dear memories remain.

I can remember the hours I spent, just holding each baby in the early weeks and months after birth, marveling at every, perfect little detail:  the tiny fingers and toes, the wispy hair, the delicate rolls near the wrists, and the perfect, new baby scent!  I took the time to just breathe in all of this newness, having no idea of how our lives would be irrevocably and wonderfully changed!  I wish the same for our dear daughter, Abbie, as she begins the wonderful journey of motherhood—the gift of time with your new baby.

I hope that she finds her new baby book a helpful and wonderful way to record these precious memories.  If you know her, you know that she loves to write as well, as is evident in both of her blogs, Farmer’s Daughter and Our Country Baby.  She is a quite talented writer and I learn something new from her every day.

This morning, I started recording in my own new babybook, called “Grandmother and Me.”  I hope to start making new memories with our new grandson soon and I look forward to recording some of these in this special book, which is one that grandmothers and grandchildren can write together!

Thanks for stopping by today.  If you have any advice you’d like to offer an aspiring “grandmother-to-be,” I’m all ears!

And, if you’d like to continue strolling on this Sunday, please click on over to the Quiet Country House.


Winter Wonderland: Sunday Stroll December 20, 2009 December 20, 2009

Although it took forever to arrive, the Blizzard of 2009 finally arrived last night and transformed our area into a Winter Wonderland . . .

Nature’s tree ornaments . . .

The Mermaid by the pool is a bit chilly . . .

With the temps predicted to stay as cold as they are, we’re guaranteed to have a White Christmas!

Hope you’re having fun wherever you are and perhaps you’re playing in the snow, too!

To see who else is strolling this Sunday, stroll on over to the Quiet Country House.


Sunday Stroll~Join me on a trip to the North Pole! December 6, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Christmas,Entertainment,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:18 am
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Snow began to fall softly as the North Pole Express pulled into the station, as if right on cue.

Children, bundled up in pajamas and hoods, clamored around the station, waiting to board Santa’s train.

Destination:  North Pole!


As we traveled, our conductor told us Christmas stories and shared the story of the “Polar Express.”

The Baker served up the biggest and most delicious gingerbread cookies I’ve ever seen and tasted, along with creamy, rich hot chocolate. . .

A hobo even managed to sneak onto the train . . .

In the spirit of Christmas, we invited him to join us . . .

And, then, the main attraction. . . we reached the North Pole and Santa boarded the train!

Mrs. Claus even joined him . . .

. . . and some of the elves came along, too!

Santa offered the first gifts of Christmas to passengers on the train, as he held up a shiny silver bell from his sleigh . . .

The bell that Santa handed me makes the most glorious jingling sound . . .

As we headed toward home, Santa’s Christmas wish continued to ring in my ears, Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

To see who else is strolling on this December Sunday, head on over to The Quiet Country House.


Sunday Stroll September 27: Fall Has Arrived! September 28, 2009

Fall has arrived in all its glory on our farm.  We’ve officially made the transition to this wonderful harvest season and a recent stroll around the farm vividly displays all the colors of fall . . .

Giant field pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns

Giant field pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns

Sugar pumpkins for pies

Sugar pumpkins for pies

The opening of the corn maze . . .

The opening of the corn maze . . .

. . . a place for family fun.

. . . a place for family fun.

More pumpkins and the hay maze

More pumpkins and the hay maze

More pumpkins . . .

More pumpkins . . .

Gourds galore

Gourds galore

Indian Corn

Indian Corn


Fall has arrived on the farm in all its glory.  What do the colors of fall look like in your neck of the woods?

To continue strolling, click on over to the Quiet Country House  for more Sunday Strolls.


Sunday Stroll: “Fruits of Our Labor” July 26, 2009

Filed under: Farm,Gardening,Summer,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 9:36 am
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Finally, we’re enjoying the fruits of our labor in the garden, especially native sweet corn and tomatoes!




I can remember when, growing up,  my Mom would say she could live off fresh-picked corn and native tomatoes during the summer, and now I know what she means!  A simple summer supper doesn’t get much better than corn-on-the-cob and tomatoes!

Everyday couple of days, we’ve been having rainstorms that bring another couple inches of rain, but the sun has managed to shine in between.  Still, many of our native vegetables have been running late, but are a welcome sight when they arrive!


The pickling cukes are ripe, as well as broccoli. . .


The peaches are soaking up the rain and some early varieties should be ripe by the end of the month . . .


The pears are taking on nice size . . .


The hydrangeas are blooming, in all their glory . . .



At first, the Rose of Sharon buds were just promises on the bushes . . .


. . . and then the very first bloom appeared . . .


. . . and, today, just a few days after that very first blossom, we are graced with numerous purple/pink flowers, which adorn our poolside gardens . . .



What’s growing in your garden?  How has the weather affected you?

To see who else is strolling today, click on:   The Quiet Country House.


Talk of the Barnyard! (Sunday Stroll–June 28) June 28, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Animals,Farm,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 5:54 am
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Since our new filly was born, she’s been the talk of the barnyard.  On her third day, we introduced her to the menagerie of other animals on the farm.

Here’s what everyone is saying . . .

"Who's the new kid on the block?"

"Who's the new kid on the block?"

"I don't see what all the fuss is about.  She isn't even a long neck!"

"I don't see what all the fuss is about. She isn't even a long neck!"

"Let's get a closer look. . ."

"Let's get a closer look. . ."

"Mommy, will they be nice to me?"

"Mommy, will they be nice to me?"

"I'm king of the mountain!"

"I'm king of the mountain!"

"Whinny, you may THINK you're king of the mountain, but you WILL be nice to my new baby girl!"

"Whinny, you may THINK you're king of the mountain, but you WILL be nice to my new baby girl!"

"Mommy, I'm scared!"

"Mommy, I'm scared!"

"Will you be my friend?  We're about the same size!"

"Will you be my friend? We're about the same size!"

"Mommy, I'm hungry!"

"Mommy, I'm hungry!"


"Can we play together?"

"Can we play together?"

"Mommy, I think they like me, but I'm SO tired . . ."

"Mommy, I think they like me, but I'm SO tired . . ."

"A Mother's work is never done . . . "
“A Mother’s work is never done . . . “

To see who else is “strolling” today, click here.



Filed under: Farm,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:42 am
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I took a Sunday Stroll of our fruit orchards on this very wet Sunday and I’ve posted it over at our farm site, Rose Orchards, at

Please click on over to check it out.  To see who else is strolling this Sunday and to see the weather and what’s blooming in their neck of the woods, click on over to the Quiet Country House.


Sunday Stroll: Too Much Rain!!! June 14, 2009

Filed under: Gardening,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:49 am
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It’s been raining pretty much straight for a week now.  Although we have lush, green surroundings, I’m wondering if it’s ever going to stop!


My “Rose of Sharon” bushes have grown by leaps and bounds with all of the rain.


My New Guinea Impatiens are enjoying the shade provided by the Rose of Sharons.


My Begonias have been absolutely crushed by the torrents of rain . . .


Green tomatoes are set and I’m hoping they won’t rot due to all the wetness.


Geraniums (never my favorite due to their “fragrance”) do provide a pretty pink contrast to all the green foliage around . . .


All in all, it’s great weather for ducks, but I could use some sun soon!


To see who else is strolling this Sunday, visit the Quiet Country House.