Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Spring Skiing at Burke Moutain – – – Simply the Best!!! March 26, 2011

Filed under: 365 Project,Adventures,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 9:39 pm
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Last Sunday, my DH and I had a chance to get some spring skiing in at Burke Mountain in the Northeast Kingdom.  When our kids were little, they’d say, “We know why it’s called ‘Burke,’ because it’s always ‘BRRRRRR’ there!”   That’s true, especially in January and February, but we were very fortunate to catch a balmy spring day in March where you didn’t need to fear frostbite for any uncovered skin.

Burke is a wonderfully challenging mountain; in fact it’s a favorite spot for olympic skiers to train.  We hadn’t skied in a couple of years and it was great to see we hadn’t forgotten how!  In other words, we’ve still got it!  (Actually, my objective now is mostly just to get down the moutain in one piece!)

The view from the lift was incredible, too . . .

especially from the top of the mountain  . . .

Another fun sight this time of year is the “Mardi Gras” tree near the top of the mountain, which features a colorful array of beads and undergarments that have been tossed from the lift by skiiers . . .

A beautiful day of Spring Skiing is just about better than anything else . . .

. . . except of course we raced home that evening to spend time with our one-year-old grandson, Joshua!


Project 365: Happy Birthday, Abbie! March 10, 2011

Filed under: 365 Project,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 5:49 am
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HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY TO OUR WONDERFUL DAUGHTER, ABBIE! Dad and I are SO proud of the incredible woman/mother you have become! Where in the world did 30 years possibily go? You have brought so much happiness to everyone around you; thank you for EVERYTHING you are and do!!!


Love always,



Project 365. Day 3. January 3, 2011

Filed under: 365 Project,Baby!,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 1:00 am

One of the things I love about family:  Great-grandma (“Mema”) playing with Josh on the floor.  That’s the kind of Grandma I aspire to be!


Project 365. Photo 1. 1/1/11 January 2, 2011

Filed under: 365 Project,Baby!,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 7:37 am

They say the person you spend New Year’s Eve with (or perhaps it’s the one you kiss at the stroke of midnight) is the one you’ll spend quality time with during the New Year.  Well, this is the little guy I plan to spend a lot of quality time with in the New Year, and I spent some of New Year’s  Eve day and New Year’s day with him, so I’m hoping that counts!  Love you, Joshua, our grandbaby boy (now 9 months old)!


HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!! May 9, 2010 May 9, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 9:52 am
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In Honor of Mother’s Day . . .

“Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. When you were born, I saw your face and knew I was in love. Before you were an hour old, I knew I would die for you. To this day, I still will.”

Wishing a very Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms, Grandmoms, Great…-Grandmoms, and to anyone, female or male, who’s had the joy to “mother” someone!!!


Strolling with Baby Joshua (May 1, 2010) May 2, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family,Farm,Spring,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 9:35 am
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I spent the most incredible spring day yesterday, strolling with Baby Joshua (and his Mom), along the beach, through a nearby garden center/nursery, and on our farm.  We even enjoyed an outside lunch at a favorite seafood stop (which Joshua slept his way through).  Somehow, the marvelous re-birth of spring flowers and outside activities seemed that much more special, sharing them with this precious seven-week-old miracle.

It’s actually May Day, but by the number of sunbathers on the beach, you would have thought it was the middle of summer!

It was a perfectly brilliant day and Joshua slept through his entire visit to the beach.  He loves to be held close where he feels most comfortable, either in his Mom’s “babywearing” pack or in Grandmom’s arms (of course I had to have my time with him, too!)

I told Joshua that he’d have  to wait just a little bit more  before he was big enough to ride the antique carousel . . .

(He didn’t seem to mind.)

Then, we visited our favorite garden center and checked out all the spring flowers.  Joshua pretty much slept his way through the Mandevilles, too . . .

Then, we walked through the orchard on our way home and enjoyed some late peach blossoms . . .

. . . and apple blossoms . . .

Mommy even gave Joshua a chance to feel the new, spring grass under his feet . . .

Then, he had a chance to play with Uncle Nate . . .

. . . and visited with Grandpa, too . . .

“Can I borrow your hat, Grandpa?”

It sure was a busy day for little Joshua . . . and a lovely day for all of us!

“Is it bedtime yet, Mommy?”

To continue strolling, please click on over to the Quiet Country House.


“You can’t spoil a newborn . . . “ April 11, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family,Reflections — everydaywomanusa @ 9:13 am
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. . . so the adage goes. . . and I believe it!  (And it’s not for lack of trying, that’s for sure!)

When this beautiful bundle we call Joshua is sleeping, I find I just can’t put him down.  He’s a cuddler. . . he nestles right into your body, the crook of your arm, the nape of your neck, and then he relaxes against your beating heart.  Abbie and Ed’s little one (notice I’m giving them the credit!) is my pride and joy and is a joyful reminder of our own babies at this age.  I revel in the softness, sweetness, baby scent that is his alone and when I hold him, the rest of the world just stops.

Joshua’s four weeks old already, but is still in that very precious infant stage, when everything revolves around his immediate and basic needs.  I’m so happy to be able to share in this magical time.

I’m also just so incredibly proud of how parenthood has totally enraptured his parents.  Abbie and Ed~ ~you are the most incredible, natural, knowing parents who seem to be taking all of this newness in stride.  Thank you for sharing Joshua with us and for not worrying about us all “spoiling” him, because “it’s not possible to spoil a newborn” according to the experts, no matter how we will try!

The incredibly wonderful new Mom


The equally wonderful new Dad

Proud Uncle Nate

The miracle named Joshua!

This little baby has brought so much joy into our family. . .thank you for letting me ramble on about it.

Have you had a new baby join your family (recently or long ago) who has forever helped you readjust your life priorities?  Please share . . .


Our Little Prince Has Arrived! March 28, 2010

Filed under: Baby!,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 9:52 am
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Words just seem inadequate to convey the incredible miracle of birth and wonderful life changes that have taken place in our family during the last two weeks.  So, I’ve been indeed wordless on this blog, rather basking in the glory, wonder, and beauty that is:

Joshua Daniel

Born March 12

9 pounds 8 ounces

22-1/4 inches long

As you can see, he is anything but little.  He has brought so much joy to our family and I am SO enjoying witnessing his family unit grow and adjust as their worlds are forever changed for the better.

I am so intensely proud of our daughter and our son-in-law on the new life and wonderful bonds they have created.

It is such a marvelous feeling to see your child become a parent herself. . .

. . . and to see our son-in-law grow so naturally into becoming a dad.

I am so blessed to be a part of this.  I’m loving every minute of it, but I’m just the grandmother . . .

. . . and I keep wondering . . . is it wrong to feel like I already love this new baby, our grandchild, even MORE than our own children?


Day 5: “30 Days of Beauty” Photography Challenge February 21, 2010

Here’s my photo for Day 5 for the “30 Days of Winter Beauty” Photography Challenge.

Our pregnant daughter, Abbie, aka Farmer’s Daughter:

In my eyes, it doesn’t get any more beautiful than this!  Thanks, Ab (and Ed!) for doing your part in making our lives a lot more meaningful!  We love you both—and baby, already!

Due date:  March 9th!  Woohoo!


Please Vote! February 15, 2010

Alright, the competition is very tough in this photo contest for “Girls Who Drive Tractors” over on Facebook at

Unbeknownst to me, my dear, crazy daughter Abbie entered this photo of me driving our old antique Ford tractor in the competition.  (Please note that I’m calling the tractor an antique, NOT the driver!)

Anyways, I’m up against girls on tractors who are probably half my age, so please help me at least give a good showing!  So far, I’m leading in the competition and the voting goes on until Tuesday, so if you haven’t had a chance to visit this site on Facebook, PLEASE, I beseech you, please do!

You can visit:   If you become a fan of “Girls Who Drive Tractors” (a simple click!) you can vote in this contest.  Go to “Round 1” and you’ll see 4 photos of the finalists; please vote for me by clicking on my photo and writing “VOTE” in the comment box.  Everyone can vote twice until Tuesday!

THANKS IN ADVANCE!  I’ll let you know how it works out . . . and if one of your crazy children enters you in a silly contest, please know that you can count on ME to support YOU!