Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Aloha Friday #23: Weekend Plans? December 11, 2009

Filed under: Aloha Friday,Blogging,Entertainment — everydaywomanusa @ 7:04 am
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My “Aloha Friday” question this Friday  is . . .

Do you have any big plans this weekend?

As for me, I’m heading into NYC with my daughter to meet our all-time,  favorite  blogger, Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman, at her book signing.

I’ll also be addressing baby shower invitations, Christmas shopping, and doing schoolwork.  I’m sure there won’t be enough hours for everything!  What about you?

Whatever you’re doing  this weekend, ENJOY!

 If you’d like to participate in more Aloha Friday questions, click on over to  An Island Life for Kailani’s  “Aloha Friday



Sunday Stroll~Join me on a trip to the North Pole! December 6, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Christmas,Entertainment,Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:18 am
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Snow began to fall softly as the North Pole Express pulled into the station, as if right on cue.

Children, bundled up in pajamas and hoods, clamored around the station, waiting to board Santa’s train.

Destination:  North Pole!


As we traveled, our conductor told us Christmas stories and shared the story of the “Polar Express.”

The Baker served up the biggest and most delicious gingerbread cookies I’ve ever seen and tasted, along with creamy, rich hot chocolate. . .

A hobo even managed to sneak onto the train . . .

In the spirit of Christmas, we invited him to join us . . .

And, then, the main attraction. . . we reached the North Pole and Santa boarded the train!

Mrs. Claus even joined him . . .

. . . and some of the elves came along, too!

Santa offered the first gifts of Christmas to passengers on the train, as he held up a shiny silver bell from his sleigh . . .

The bell that Santa handed me makes the most glorious jingling sound . . .

As we headed toward home, Santa’s Christmas wish continued to ring in my ears, Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

To see who else is strolling on this December Sunday, head on over to The Quiet Country House.


Aloha Friday #17: Favorite Family Movies September 11, 2009

Filed under: Aloha Friday,Entertainment,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 6:43 am
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It’s Friday again ALREADY, so that means it’s time for . . .

My “Aloha Friday” question this week is: 



When our kids were growing up, we all came to love:

  • The Princess Bride
  • Christmas Vacation
  • The Great Outdoors
  • Overboard

Now that they’re adults (pretty much!), we still come together around these movies, especially around the holidays!


For instance. . .

  • The Princess Bride–“As you wish!”
  • The Great Outdoors–“Big, b-i-g, b-i-g, BEAR!”
  • Overboard–“Everybody wants to be me!”

DO SHARE!!!!!!

 If you’d like to participate in more Aloha Friday questions, click on over to  An Island Life for Kailani’s  “Aloha Friday.” 



Duke’s Other Talents . . . August 23, 2009

Filed under: Animals,Entertainment,Family — everydaywomanusa @ 7:47 am
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Not only is Duke a “farm dog,” he also goes to work every day with my DH on our construction site jobs.  He LOVES visiting with the guys during coffee breaks and at lunch time, and during that time, I guess he’s refined some more of his talents .

Just watch . . .

Seems that Duke can unscrew the top off any bottle.  Even though he has a big fresh bowl of water on the job at all times, he prefers the “social-ability” of joining the guys in cold water breaks in a more human fashion.  I told you he thinks he’s a person!

Oh, yes, he can also open the door at home to let himself out.  The only problem (especially in winter) is that he doesn’t CLOSE it after himself.  More on that another time . . .

Do tell about your animals that think they’re humans, too.  I’d love to hear your stories!


Our “John Deere” Dog July 13, 2009

Filed under: Animals,Entertainment,Little Things I Love,Music — everydaywomanusa @ 9:31 am


Even our Golden, “Duke,” shows his preference in tractors.  He’ll take a BIG GREEN TRACTOR anytime.

To take a spin on Jason Aldean’s BIG GREEN TRACTOR, click here.


Aloha Friday #7! May 29, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Aloha Friday,Entertainment — everydaywomanusa @ 6:51 pm
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It’s Friday again, so that means it’s time for . . .

I just LOVE what Kailani  is doing over at An Island Life with “Aloha Friday.”

In Hawaii, she says, “Aloha Friday is the day when we take it easy and look forward to the weekend.  So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.”

I can’t really say that Friday is any less frantic than any other day of the week here, but I like the idea.  Wouldn’t you love to be on “island time?”

I’m participating in Kailani’s  Aloha Friday and I thought I’d bring a bit of the islands to Everydaywoman.  I’ll be posting a simple question to stir up a little conversation before the weekend.  If you’d like to participate, please respond to the question in a comment, and feel free to post your own question on your blog and leave your link below.  Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

My “Aloha Friday” question this week is: 




BOOBS! February 8, 2009

OK, did I get your attention?

Actually, after reading a hillarious poem about breastfeeding (written in Dr. Seuss form) over at Green Mamma,  I just had to add my two cents.

I have been a long-time proponent of breastfeeding, and having spent an estimated ten years nursing our three children, I might also be considered somewhat of an “expert.”  

families Stock PhotoAime-Jules Dalou / Mother Nursing Child / 19th - 20th century

We all know that “breast-fed” is “best-fed” if that works out for mother and baby.   To be able to nourish a baby, both physically (adding immunities/antibodies, helping protect from allergies) as well as emotionally, was just paramount to being a mother to be.  I wouldn’t have traded one minute of nursing (“num-nums” as my daughter called it) for anything, ever.

My husband and I were both raised on dairy farms, so what would you expect?  Nursing is the natural thing to do!  It’s just that our holstein cows were blessed with twice the number of “milking appartus” than humans!  Plus, now that we have grown sons who stand at 6’3″ and 6’5″,  my husband frequently  jokes that it’s due to the best start in life–mother’s milk!

If you want a good laugh, here’s the “Nursing Poem”—thanks to Jessica at  Green Mamma for sharing!

Seuss for Nursing Mommies

Would you nurse her at the park?
Would you nurse him in the dark?
Would you nurse him with a boppy?
I would nurse her in the park.
I would nurse him in the dark.
I’d nurse with or without a boppy.
Floppy boobs will never stop me.

Can you nurse with your seat belt on?
Can you nurse from dusk til dawn?
Though she may pinch me, bite me, pull,
I will nurse her til she’s full.

Can you nurse and make some soup?
Can you nurse and feed the group?
It makes her healthy strong and smart,
Mommy’s milk is the best start!

Would you nurse him at the game?
Would you nurse her in the rain?
In front of those who dare complain?
I would nurse him at the game.
I would nurse her in the rain.

As for those who protest lactation,
I have a perfect explanation.
Mommy milk is tailor made
It’s perfect food, you need no aid.

Some may scoff and some may wriggle,
Avert their eyes or even giggle.
To those who can be cruel and rude,
Remind them breast’s the perfect food.

I would never scoff or giggle,
Roll my eyes or even wiggle!
I would never be so crass or crude,
I KNOW that this milk’s the perfect food!

We make the right amount we need,
The perfect temp for every feed.
There’s no compare to milk from breast-
The perfect food, above the rest.

Those nursing smiles are oh so sweet,
Mommy milk is such a treat.
Human milk just can’t be beat.

I will nurse, in any case,
On the street or in your face.
I will not let my baby cry,
I’ll meet her needs, I’ll always try.
It’s not about what’s good for you,
It’s best for babies, through and through.

I will nurse her in my home,
I will nurse her when I roam.
Leave me be lads, leave me be ma’am
I will nurse her, MOM I am.

I guess I would have to answer YES to all of those questions.  Although there’s been a lot of controversy lately regarding nursing in public, the good news is that you CAN do this very discretely.  Also, if you’re nursing an older child more for comfort than nutrition (like at naptime or bedtime, for instance), this doesn’t have to take place in public.

There does seem to be a fascination with women’s breasts, in general, in our society, as we all know.  When I read the line,  “And when your boobs are feeling floppy?” I couldn’t help but be reminded of another hilarious song I heard recently on Toby Keith’s “Beer for my Horses” CD.   The song is actually sung by Rodney Carrington, who is a self-professed fan of boobs, both young and old, of all shapes and sizes, saying “there’s no such thing as a bad boob.”

Carrington sings in “Show Them to Me:”

“Even if you’re  really old,  there’s nothing wrong,

Don’t be sad, your boobs ain’t bad,

They’re just a little long. . .

I’ve met a lot of them, but never one I’ve hated,

Even if you’ve had 13 kids and you think they look deflated,

There’s no such thing as a bad breast . . . “

OK,  I’m not so sure about the “long” part, but I’m figuring it could be a combination of nursing,  gravity, and time (notice I didn’t say age!)  but I’m so glad boobs have a real biological purpose and whatever it takes, it’s worth it!

What’s your take on boobs/breastfeeding?


The Horses Still Have It!!! February 2, 2009

Filed under: Entertainment,Farm — everydaywomanusa @ 1:41 am
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Those wonderful  Clydesdales still get my vote for best Super Bowl Ads!  Did you happen to catch those gentle giants in a game of “fetch?”  You can view it at:

How about a Clydesdale  as “Romeo?”  See for yourself at:

Close up of young horse behind old wooden fence on farm Stock Photo

There were a lot of strange ads, but I’ll go for the horses any day.

What about you?  What were your favorite Superbowl Ads?


Tag, You’re It! February 1, 2009

Filed under: Adventures,Awards,Entertainment,Friends,Humor,Inspirations,Reflections — everydaywomanusa @ 7:39 am
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OK, I’ve been tagged by the Farmer’s Daughter.

Here are the rules:

–Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
–Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
–Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their    blog.
–Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, here goes, probably way more than you want to know:

7 Facts about myself:

  1. BK (Before Kids), I had a career in publishing as a writer/editor for an international technical magazine.  I traveled to interview mostly old men in wire mills and I usually got questions like “What’s a nice, young girl like doing in a place like this?”  (I secretly hoped I’d get a really exciting writing job for Cosmo or at the very least Good Housekeeping some day!)
  2. I’ve walked with Grizzlies in Alaska . . . yes, I really can’t believe that I did that, too!
  3. I also rafted the Colorado River for 5 days, sleeping in the canyons at night in thunderstorms, with the river or a pail as our only bathroom.  (#2 and #3 were my husband’s ideas, but I’m glad I lived through them because now I can impress people who think I’m a risk-taker, even though I’m really not!)
  4. I learned how to use a computer back in the DOS days.  (“What’s that?” you youngsters are asking.)
  5. I’m probably addicted to three things: coffee, the sun, and my Blackberry.  (I know this because I get a headache if I don’t get my DD in the am and I got a Blackberry so I could check my e-mail on the run.  I am trying to change my habits re: the sun due to the negative effects of too much exposure.)
  6. I started college at age 40, when my husband challenged me to pursue the teaching career that I had always planned.  It was one of the best decisions of my life (second to marrying that dear guy!) and now after my 8th year of teaching (and two more degrees) I’m planning on starting a doctoral program.
  7. My crazy, wonderful family gave me a brand-new, candy-apple red Mustang convertible for Mothers’ Day a couple of years ago, which I enjoy driving “topless” more than I ever imagined!  The ‘Stang’s tucked in the garage for the winter next to their ’66 classic mustang.  (I think they gave me mine because they didn’t want me to drive theirs!)

 OK, that’s probably way more than you wanted to hear, but I’m tagging:

 Margaret  at Periodic Pearls

Aisling at The Quiet Country House

Cloudhands at Uncarved Block

Nan at Letters From a Hill Farm

Ernestine at My Journey to Mindfulness

Dee at Red Dirt Ramblings

Linda at Vulture Peak Muse

Thanks for playing, everyone, and I hope you have a little fun with it!



Favorite Superbowl Commercials

Filed under: Entertainment,Family,Humor — everydaywomanusa @ 7:15 am
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My favorite “super” scenes always center around the Budweiser Clydesdales, more for the wondrous horses and much less for the beer!

That’s probably because they remind me so much of our own Percheron workhorses,  Bob and Duke, now in their retirement years.

One of my all-time favorites is when the dalmation puts Clydesdale  “Hank” through training to become a member of the coveted team, to the theme of “Rocky” music.  You can view that at:

What’s your favorite Superbowl commercial?  Will you be watching this year?  I’ll be watching–I hate to say–mostly for the newly released commercials and to see what “our horses” are up to this year!  Food is always a big part of the game, too.  I’ll be preparing a veritable smorgasbord for my family this year as usual.

Please leave a comment on your fave scene and check back post-game, too, to leave a comment on your new favorites!