Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Laryngitis. . . July 6, 2009

Filed under: Health — everydaywomanusa @ 8:42 am

I’m in my third day of not being able to talk above a whisper, and anyone who knows me knows that NOT being able to talk is a severe hardship for me!

It started at a smoky fireworks party on Friday night and continued through a weekend of attending three parties and hosting one.  I’m thinking it’s environmental (a reaction to the smoke), but I also know it’s my weak spot, when I overdo and “undersleep” (pretty sure that’s not a real word), I end up losing my voice.  It usually happens twice a year, but never in the summer.  Maybe it’s just too much partying!

I’m going to try to keep quiet today . . . right!  My kids  say, “Mom, just don’t talk!”  (Easier said than done!)  Secretly, I think my DH is enjoying it . . .

Does anyone out there have any family/secret remedies to soothe a sore throat and to bring a voice back?


ALOHA FRIDAY #3 !!! April 17, 2009

Filed under: Aloha Friday,Health,Summer — everydaywomanusa @ 9:11 am
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It’s Friday again already, so that means it’s time for . . .

I just LOVE what Kailani  is doing over at An Island Life with “Aloha Friday.”

In Hawaii, she says, “Aloha Friday is the day when we take it easy and look forward to the weekend.  So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.”

I can’t really say that Friday is any less frantic than any other day of the week here, but I like the idea.  Wouldn’t you love to be on “island time?”

I’m participating in Kailani’s  Aloha Friday and I thought I’d bring a bit of the islands to Everydaywoman.  I’ll be posting a simple question to stir up a little conversation before the weekend.  If you’d like to participate, please respond to the question in a comment, and feel free to post your own question on your blog and leave your link below.  Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

My “Aloha Friday” question this week is: 


I know that this seems like a simple, innocuous question, but coming from a sun-lover, ok, pretty much a sun-worshiper, I’ve recently changed my answer to this one!

I must admit when my kids were growing up, I’d slather the sunscreen on them and then let myself bake poolside while  they played (and I weeded the flower gardens, vacuumed the pool, etc.) to golden perfection.  It always made me feel healthier, happier, browner.  Then, just recently, in the harsh paleness of winter I was forced to undergo some pretty ugly skin treatments for pre-cancer (which involved using a chemotherapy cream to BURN the skin off my forehead, creating UGLY scabs and lesions……ugh!)  According to my doc, I now have a new lease on life and MUST use sunscreen, hats, covering, etc., etc.  I know I’ve been in denial for a long time, but as hard as I know it’ll be, I’ll cover up this summer . . . and YES, use sunscreen.  (I know those wrinkles came from overexposure, too, and fortunately there are now some pretty decent bronzers so I won’t have to feel sickly pale.)