Musings of an everyday woman . . .

Reflections on living and loving life . . .

Sunday Stroll–September 7, 2008–After the Storm… September 7, 2008

Filed under: Sunday Stroll — everydaywomanusa @ 11:33 am
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We’ve felt some minor disturbances from Tropical Storm Hanna, here in Connecticut, mostly heavy rain and blowing winds.  After a night of intense, pounding rain, we have a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning, and we fared much better than those in the direct path of this storm and others.

We lost a small tree that snapped during the storm, which is entrapped in vines and held up by the large pine in the background.

Our driveway washed out, which is common with storms like this . . .

A small palm tree blew over out by the pool . . .

. . . and of course, leaves blew into the pool, which I’ll be mucking out today.  We really should cover it before the next one hits (perhaps remnants from “Ike” later this week?).

Apples from our dwarf Macoun trees were knocked to the ground. . .

. . . although many more clung to the branches.  (We had tried to get as many picked before the storm hit as possible.)


Although I am generally not an alarmist, when my sister asked me yesterday if I was prepared for the storm, that did inspire me to stock up on flashlight batteries and to pick up a nifty hand-crank transistor radio (which does not require batteries!) for a mere $10, just in case.  As it worked out, we didn’t lose electricity, and if we had, the thing I’d miss the most would surely be the Internet.  But we did have fun, playing with radio, just in case.  Many people did lose power in the State and we’ll be prepared for stormy future events!

On a brighter note, my Rose of Sharon continued to smile at me this morning–against a brilliant blue sky– after getting tossed around in the wind and rain last night.

And, these persistent petunias, which seeded themselves in between the cracks of brick pavers out by the pool, continue to be strong this morning!

Enjoy the little miracles!

To see who else is strolling on this Sunday–stormy or sunny–visit the Quiet Country House!